Focus Blog

Reflection | Systems vs Silo Thinking
James Piggott James Piggott

Reflection | Systems vs Silo Thinking

In the rapidly changing landscape of modern business, organisations face complex challenges that demand innovative solutions. One of the key approaches gaining momentum is systems thinking, a concept that encourages holistic problem-solving by viewing organisations as interconnected systems. In contrast, silo thinking—where departments or teams operate in isolation—can hinder progress and innovation…

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Reflection | Biomimicry In Design
James Piggott James Piggott

Reflection | Biomimicry In Design

What is Bio-Mimicry? Bio-mimicry, also known as biomimetics, is all about taking inspiration from nature to solve human problems. It's a powerful concept that has found its way into architecture and design. The idea is simple: nature has spent billions of years perfecting designs for efficiency and sustainability, so why not borrow a few ideas?

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Reflection | The Smoothie Delusion
James Piggott James Piggott

Reflection | The Smoothie Delusion

When it comes to employee benefits, employers often try to provide perks and incentives that they believe will make their employees happy. However, what employers think is important to their employees may not always be the case. This discrepancy is sometimes referred to as the Smoothie Delusion…

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Reflection | Our Carbon Emissions Baseline Year
James Piggott James Piggott

Reflection | Our Carbon Emissions Baseline Year

We made our first carbon reduction commitment in October 2022 when we became SME Climate Hub signatories. At that point, we began to track our carbon emissions and, concurrently, use carbon offsetting for emissions mitigation. We felt that it was important to offset emissions while establishing our baseline and early years data…

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Reflection | Earth Day 2024
James Piggott James Piggott

Reflection | Earth Day 2024

22nd April 2024 is Earth Day. In the organiser’s own words, ‘Earth Day is a reminder of the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability, encouraging us to come together and take action for a healthier planet and brighter future. EARTHDAY.ORG's founders created and organized the very first Earth Day on April 22, 1970. Since then, EARTHDAY.ORG has been mobilizing over 1 billion people annually on Earth Day, and every other day, to protect the planet.’

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Reflection | The Retrofit Revolution
James Piggott James Piggott

Reflection | The Retrofit Revolution

As the world grapples with the effects of climate change, industries are increasingly being called upon to mitigate their environmental impact. This is particularly apparent in commercial real estate, where buildings are responsible for significant carbon emissions. In response, the concept of retrofitting, particularly in office interiors, has emerged as a crucial tool in the journey towards net zero carbon emissions…

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Reflection | Sustainable, Circular + Regenerative Interior Design Approaches
James Piggott James Piggott

Reflection | Sustainable, Circular + Regenerative Interior Design Approaches

In recent years, the design industry has witnessed a significant shift. This transformation is particularly evident in commercial interiors, where businesses are increasingly prioritising environmental responsibility and social impact. In this post we are exploring the differences between sustainable, circular and regenerative design approaches…

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Fenway® + Ecologi
James Piggott James Piggott

Fenway® + Ecologi

Fenway® is a member of the Ecologi Climate Action Workforce community, making monthly contributions to fund certified high-impact carbon avoidance projects all around the world, as well as funding tree planting that boosts local communities and biodiversity…

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Fenway® + SME Climate Hub
James Piggott James Piggott

Fenway® + SME Climate Hub

Fenway® is a member of the SME Climate Hub signatory community. The commitment is, ‘To halve emissions by 2030, achieve net zero by 2050 and report on your progress yearly.’ At Fenway®, we have made this commitment and see great value in the work of the SME Climate Hub and associated organisations…

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Fenway® + UKGBC
James Piggott James Piggott

Fenway® + UKGBC

Fenway® has become a member of the UK Green Building Council community. In its own words, “UKGBC is the membership-led industry network radically transforming the sustainability of the built environment…”

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Reflection | 12 Months Of Monitoring
James Piggott James Piggott

Reflection | 12 Months Of Monitoring

As our first 12 months of carbon emissions monitoring comes to an end, we take time to reflect on some of the high-level conclusions that we are instantly able to draw…

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Reflection | Progress Over Perfection
James Piggott James Piggott

Reflection | Progress Over Perfection

As we near the end of our first 12 months of monitoring our carbon footprint, and in advance of sharing our first update on our baseline data and our progress so far, we take a moment to reflect on the power of embracing progress over perfection. Climate change presents significant challenges for businesses across industries. It's easy to feel overwhelmed when considering the scale of the problem and the radical changes required to mitigate its effects. However, waiting for the perfect solution is no longer an option. Taking action is what truly matters…

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Reflection | The Pros & Cons Of Carbon Offsetting
James Piggott James Piggott

Reflection | The Pros & Cons Of Carbon Offsetting

At Fenway, we are using carbon offsetting in the short-term to mitigate carbon production while we establish our baseline scope 1, 2 & 3 data, as mentioned in a previous post. In this post, we shed light on the concept of carbon offsetting and in particular some of it’s advantages and disadvantages for businesses…

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Reflection | United Nations SDGs
James Piggott James Piggott

Reflection | United Nations SDGs

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 interconnected goals that aim to create a more sustainable and equitable world by 2030. The goals cover a wide range of areas, including ending poverty and hunger, promoting health and well-being, ensuring access to quality education, reducing inequalities and combating climate change…

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Reflection | The Commons Dilemma
James Piggott James Piggott

Reflection | The Commons Dilemma

The Commons Dilemma: how do we balance individual needs and the common good? We've all heard the saying "there's no such thing as a free lunch” and while this phrase is often used to refer to the idea that everything has a cost, it also highlights an important economic concept: the commons dilemma…

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Fenway + Ecologi
James Piggott James Piggott

Fenway + Ecologi

Our formal journey through neutral to zero began in October 2022 when we committed to halve our emissions by 2030 and achieve net zero by 2050. We are currently creating our baseline data and will regularly share updates on our progress. In the meantime, we are working with Ecologi…

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Reflection | Apocalypse Fatigue
James Piggott James Piggott

Reflection | Apocalypse Fatigue

Apocalypse fatigue is a phenomenon that has become increasingly prevalent in recent years, particularly in relation to the environment, sustainability and climate change. It refers to the sense of overwhelm and helplessness that many people feel when confronted with the seemingly insurmountable challenges posed by these issues…

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