Health And Safety Policy Overview Statement
This Health And Safety Policy Overview Statement was last reviewed and updated 1st May 2024. This is version 2.0. If required, view the previous version, 1.0, by clicking here.
Full Health And Safety Policy details are supplied to clients prior to project delivery.
For further information, please contact us at
1. Introduction
At Fenway®, we are committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of our employees, clients, sub-contractors, suppliers and visitors and anyone else affected by our operations. This Health And Safety Policy Overview Statement outlines our commitment to providing a safe and healthy working environment, complying with all relevant UK legislation and to best practices. Our primary activities are office interior design; design and build fit-out and refurbishment; furniture, seating and storage supply and installation; and, office interior alterations. Our primary geographical area of operation is Central London.
2. Health And Safety Responsibilities
2.1. Management Responsibilities:
The management of Fenway® is committed to providing the necessary resources, training and support to implement and maintain effective health and safety practices.
Management will regularly review and update this Health And Safety Policy Overview Statement and the full Health And Safety Policy to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with legislative requirements.
2.2. Employee Responsibilities:
All employees are responsible for complying with health and safety procedures, policies and safe working practices.
Employees must report any hazards, incidents or concerns to their supervisor or to the designated health and safety officer promptly and keep appropriate written records of same.
Employees are encouraged to actively participate in health and safety training and contribute to the continuous improvement of health and safety practices.
2.3. Sub-Contractor And Supplier Responsibilities:
Sub-Contractors and Suppliers working on behalf of Fenway® must comply with all relevant health and safety legislation and adhere to our company's health and safety policies and procedures.
Sub-Contractors and Suppliers are responsible for conducting their work safely and without risk to themselves or others.
Sub-Contractors and Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that suitably trained and experienced personnel are utilised.
Sub-Contractors and Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that tailored risk assessment and method statement documentation is provided to Fenway® as requested on a project-to-project basis.
Sub-Contractors and Suppliers must report any hazards, incidents or concerns to their supervisor or to the designated health and safety officer promptly and keep appropriate written records of same.
Sub-Contractors and Suppliers are encouraged to actively participate in health and safety training and contribute to the continuous improvement of health and safety practices.
3. Risk Assessment and Control Measures
Fenway® will conduct risk assessments of all common commercial activities, such as office design, fit-out, refurbishment and furniture installation.
Control measures will be implemented to eliminate or minimise identified hazards and regular reviews will be conducted to ensure their effectiveness.
Employees will be provided with the necessary information, instruction and training to understand and mitigate risks.
4. Workplace Safety
Fenway® will ensure that all workplace areas, including offices, construction sites and warehouses, are maintained in a safe and tidy condition insofar as those areas are within the control of Fenway® and require that sub-contractors and suppliers do they same when working on behalf of Fenway®.
Adequate signage, lighting and emergency exits will be provided and maintained to facilitate safe evacuation in the event of an emergency insofar as those areas are within the control of Fenway® and Fenway® requires that sub-contractors and suppliers do they same when working on behalf of Fenway®.
Regular inspections and maintenance of equipment and machinery will be conducted to prevent accidents and injuries insofar as those items are within the control of Fenway® and Fenway® requires that sub-contractors and suppliers do they same when working on behalf of Fenway®.
5. Health and Welfare
Adequate facilities, such as rest areas, toilets and washing facilities will be provided to ensure the comfort and welfare of employees insofar as those areas are within the control of Fenway® and require that sub-contractors and suppliers do they same when working on behalf of Fenway®. Clients will also be asked to provided such facilities for Fenway® employees, sub-contractors, suppliers and visitors when applicable.
6. Training and Competence
Fenway® will provide employees with appropriate health and safety training to ensure they are competent to carry out their roles safely.
Records of training and competence will be maintained to demonstrate compliance with legislative requirements.
7. Emergency Procedures
Fenway® will establish and communicate clear procedures for responding to emergencies, including fire evacuation, first aid and incidents involving hazardous substances on a project-to-project and site-to-site basis.
8. Legislative Compliance
Fenway® will comply with all relevant UK health and safety legislation, including though not limited to:
Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
9. Review and Revision
This Health and Safety Policy will be reviewed bi-annually or as necessary to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with legislative requirements.
10. Conclusion
At Fenway, we are committed to creating a safe and healthy working environment for all of our employees, clients, and other individuals involved in our projects.
We believe that by maintaining a strong health and safety culture, we can prevent accidents and injuries and ensure the wellbeing of everyone connected with the company.
Important Note
If you have any concerns about our health and safety approach or policy, or about any aspect of our work or a current project, please contact us as a matter of urgency.
Thank you for your valued support.
This Health And Safety Policy Overview Statement was last reviewed and updated 1st May 2024. This is version 2.0. If required, view the previous version, 1.0, by clicking here.
Full Health And Safety Policy details are supplied to clients prior to project delivery.
For further information, please contact us at